Lecturer position: MJSP Hokkaido University

The Modern Japanese Studies Program (MJSP), Hokkaido University’s four-year bilingual undergraduate bachelor degree program in Japanese studies, is seeking to recruit a non-tenured Lecturer in the field of Modern Japanese History.

Content of Work:
1. Teaching courses on the Modern Japanese Studies Program (MJSP) including Introduction to Japanese History/Society: History, MJSP History I and II.  Furthermore, teaching one graduate level course per year in the field of the applicant’s specialty.

2. Conducting academic research and contributing to the international research profile of Hokkaido University.

3. Assisting in the management of the Modern Japanese Studies Program and other educational programs in the Institute for International Collaboration. 

1. A completed PhD in Japanese studies or a closely related field,  and outstanding potential to publish research articles in leading international academic journals.

2. Some teaching experience at the undergraduate level is preferred but not obligatory.

3. Native or near-native ability in English. Fluent Japanese to enable full participation in Japanese-language administrative work.

4. Candidates with a proven track record of attracting third party funding, and those with a transnational research focus that approaches Japan globally are highly welcome.

5. Eligible nationality is non-Japanese citizens.

6. MJSP is committed to building a diverse faculty and strongly encourages applications from female candidates.

Desired starting date: 1 September 2018

Deadline for applications: 30 March 2018 
(Documents must arrive by 5pm Japanese time (JST) on 30th March 2018.)

Contact: Prof. Susanne Klien, Modern Japanese Studies Program, Hokkaido University, Kita 15, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, 060-0815

Email: klien[AT]imc.hokudai.ac.jp 【Please convert [AT] to @】
※When submittine materials, the subject line of the email should read “Your name, MJSP lecturer 2018 position”.

For more details and information on how to apply: Jobs at Hokkaido University