Fees & Scholarships

Tuition fees at Hokkaido University are ¥535,800 a year (as of March 2021).
While Sapporo is very reasonably priced compared to other cities of a comparable size in Japan,
we estimate that students need ¥1.2 million per year to cover their accommodation, living and study expenses (see the MJSP Booklet for more details). It is important that students ensure they have enough funds to cover the costs of their education.

On a student visa you may apply for what is known officially as “Permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted” from the Immigration Bureau, in other words, permission to work part time. Once you get permission, you may work for up to 28 hours per week. Please note, however, that given the very intensive nature of the Modern Japanese Studies Program,
we strongly advise against students thinking that they can come to Japan and pay their way by working part time while on MJSP.

Scholarships: October 2021 (Intensive Japanese Course) and April 2022 (Bachelor’s Degree) Entry

(1) Hokkaido University has a scholarship program for students participating in the Modern Japanese Studies Program (the Modern Japanese Studies Program Scholarship Program).

a. We will waive the enrollment fee for the Intensive Japanese Course for October 2021 enrollees.
b. We will waive the entire enrollment and tuition fees for the 2022 academic year for April 2022 enrollees in the Bachelor’s Degree.
c. In the second year of the Bachelor’s Degree and thereafter, all or half of the tuition fees will be waived for selected students based on academic performance. (Waivers will not be available to all students.)

(2) Even in cases when a student does not receive a scholarship from the Modern Japanese Studies Program Scholarship Program, that student may apply for a full, half, or quarter tuition waiver if they are facing hardship in paying their tuition for financial reasons and have demonstrated outstanding academic performance. In 2019, about 97% of all international students who applied received some level of financial assistance.

(3) In addition, there are scholarships available from private organizations, and those who wish to apply for such programs may apply for scholarships after being admitted to the Modern Japanese Studies Program. See the Scholarship page for more details.