Hironori Sasada





Research Keywords

Political economy of Japan and East Asia, foreign policies, trade policies, party politics


BA: University of California, Berkeley (Political Science)
MA: University of California, San Diego (International Relations)
PhD: University of Washington (Political Science)


My main research interest is the political economy of Japan and East Asia. In The Evolution of the Japanese Developmental State System I explored the historical origins and developmental path of the Japanese economy between the Meiji Period and the post-World War II period. It attempted to explain why the core institutions of the Japanese economy had developed in the way they did focusing on the causal impact of policymakers’ economic ideas. My new research project looks into Japanese trade policies and government protection of the agricultural sector. The Japanese government is currently facing strong pressure to liberalize its markets from inside and outside the country. However, the government is having a difficult time in opening up such sensitive sectors as the agricultural industry. I am aiming to shed light on the historical context behind the Japanese government’s agricultural trade policies.

I lived in the United States for 15 years and have taught political science courses at the University of Washington. My classes are designed in the American style, which places an emphasis on interaction between the professor and students. In my classes, I encourage students to get actively involved in class discussion. I look forward to meeting students in our new program.

Classes Taught on MJSP

Introduction to Japanese Studies IV (Political Economy), Japanese Political Economy I, Readings for Japanese Studies, 日本社会論 III

Selected Publications


  • 佐々田博教(2018)『農業保護政策の起源』勁草書房.
  • Sasada, H. (2014).『일본 발전국가의 기원과 진화 [The Evolution of the Japanese Developmental State]』Seoul: Hanul Publishing.
  • Sasada, H. (2012). The Evolution of the Japanese Developmental State System: Institutions Locked-in By Ideas, London: Routledge.
  • 佐々田博教(2011)『制度発展と政策アイディア:満州国・戦時期日本・戦後日本にみる開発型国家システムの展開』木鐸社.

Journal articles

  • Sasada, H. (2019). “Resurgence of the ‘Japan Model?’: Japan’s Aid Policy Reform and Infrastructure Development Assistance” in Asian Survey, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp.1044-69.
  • Sasada, H. (2015). “‘Third Arrow’ or Friendly Fire? The LDP Government’s Reform Plan for the Japanese Agricultural Co-op,” in Japanese Political Economy, Vol. 41 No. 1-2, pp.14-35.
  • Sasada, H., N. Fujimura, and S. Machidori (2013). “Alternative Paths to Party Polarization: External Impacts of Intraparty Organization in Japan” in Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol. 13, No. 3,pp.409-441.
  • Sasada, H. (2013). “The Impact of Rural Votes in Foreign Policies: The FTA Policies under the DPJ government in Japan” in Asian Journal of Political Science, Vol. 21. No. 3, pp.224-248.
  • Sasada, H. (2010). “The Electoral Origin of Japan’s Nationalistic Leadership: Primaries in the LDP Presidential Election and the Pull-Effect” in Journal of East Asian Studies, Vol.10, No.1, pp.1-30.
  • Sasada, H. (2008). “Japan’s New Agricultural Trade Policy and Electoral Reform: ‘Agricultural Policy in an Offensive Posture [seme no nō sei],’” in Japanese Journal of Political Science, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.121-44.
  • Sasada, H. (2006). “Youth and Nationalism in Japan,” in The SAIS Review, Johns Hopkins University Press, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.109-22.

Books translated

  • チャルマーズ・ジョンソン(著)佐々田博教(訳)『通産省と日本の奇跡:産業政策の発展1925-1975』勁草書房, 2018年.
  • ロバート・ペッカネン(著)佐々田博教(訳)『日本の市民社会における二重構造―政策提言なきメンバー達』木鐸社, 2008年.